Should you share this information with your child? A few years ago, some of IFC’s therapists sat down with our Clinical Director, Ritamaria Laird, and had a conversation about diagnoses and children. They worked through many of the questions caregivers may ask...
10 Common ADHD Symptoms
For several years now, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), has become a very controversial diagnosis. Many parents have different views on how to approach treatment, or they have trouble accepting that their child may be struggling with some of the...
Neurodivergence, TikTok, & Diagnosis
So the TikTok Algorithm Says You Might Be Neurodivergent... You’ve Made It All the Way to Adulthood Without a Diagnosis… Now What? TikTok has quickly become one of the largest social media and content platforms out there. Whether you create content, scroll through...
Navigating ADHD as a Family
One of the challenging things about being a parent is that your child doesn’t come with a manual. This is as true for a parent whose job title is “pediatric therapist” as anyone else. While mulling over what I felt most informed to talk about, I realized that several...
Should you tell your child their diagnosis?
Many parents wrestle with important questions after learning about their child’s diagnosis. Individual and Family Connection’s team of expert pediatric clinicians share their answers to these questions in an interview about diagnosis with the team's Clinical Director,...