The start of the new school year comes with a number of questions and concerns for both students and their parents: Will my student be supported enough? What can I ask for from my school to better support my student? Does my child need an IEP/504? What's the...
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Things to tell the teacher about your child
Do you struggle with how to describe your child to a new teacher? Do you worry they might not read the full IEP or 504 plan and want to provide a condensed 'summary' at the beginning of the year? As a special need's parent and a therapist often asked to advocate for...

Should you ask your child’s therapist to talk to their teacher?
You have seen your child's behavioral and emotional regulation improve at home with their therapist's support. With your help, your child is utilizing coping skills and more frequently communicating their needs. How can you extend this progress into the classroom?...