Proven Strategies to Overcome Your Higher Education Jitters Starting college is an exciting and transformative experience, but it can also be a source of anxiety for many individuals. The transition from high school to college brings a whole new set of challenges and...
How to Create a Social Story
Where to use a social story As therapists we love creating social stories together with our clients. We see the benefit of social stories in helping reduce anxiety, worry, and frustration in our clients and we would love to see parents using them at home too! Social...
Remote Learning Break Ideas
Learning looks very different for most children since the coronavirus pandemic began. For children who are doing virtual learning, they may be sitting in front of a screen for many hours each day. This extended screen time often leads to difficulties in sustained...
A Child Therapist’s Top 3 Tips for Virtual Learning
Virtual learning is HARD on everyone As a parent in the midst of a virtual learning, you may be finding yourself having to wear way too many hats, more than you probably ever anticipated. You may also find yourself muttering a few choice words or phrases to yourself...
Independence during virtual learning
Tired of trying to manage virtual learning while you're working form home? 5-Tips to get your child virtual learning independently! If you have been supporting your child side-by-side during virtual learning you are probably itching for ways to get them learning...
Does your child need extra support at school? Join us!
The start of the new school year comes with a number of questions and concerns for both students and their parents: Will my student be supported enough? What can I ask for from my school to better support my student? Does my child need an IEP/504? What's the...
Manage your Child’s Perfectionism
You want your child to succeed and feel accomplished within academics, extracurriculars, or any skill they are pursuing. However, when children strive for unattainable perfection, it is hard to know how to respond. Unhealthy perfectionism can involve a fear of...
Things to tell the teacher about your child
Do you struggle with how to describe your child to a new teacher? Do you worry they might not read the full IEP or 504 plan and want to provide a condensed 'summary' at the beginning of the year? As a special need's parent and a therapist often asked to advocate for...
Should you ask your child’s therapist to talk to their teacher?
You have seen your child's behavioral and emotional regulation improve at home with their therapist's support. With your help, your child is utilizing coping skills and more frequently communicating their needs. How can you extend this progress into the classroom?...
How to help your preschooler make friends
It is very common for younger children to have difficulties facilitating friendships. Transitioning from the home setting is no easy feat! Interacting with others that they are not familiar with can be stressful and scary for any child. This is also stressful for...