How to get the kids out the door without yelling

by | Aug 30, 2019 | Blog, Parenting, Routines, School

It’s that time of year again, when the schedules are being set, the carpooling is being arranged, new school clothes are being bought, and your kids summer morning routine needs a drastic makeover…fast. Transitions are no easy feat for many adults, let alone kids, but if you follow these tips and stay focused on your goals you are bound for success.

Here are 5 easy tips to building that routine:

Consistent bedtime and wake up time

From day one it is important to establish bed and wake up times to help your child’s body regulate. With a consistent schedule you will be able to ensure they are getting enough sleep to be ready for their day. It also teaches healthy sleep habits that will follow them throughout their lives. 

Limit evening screen time

In order for all of us to get to sleep on time it’s is important to decrease screen time to at least 30 minutes before bed. To help: 

·     Make it a rule that there are no electronics allowed in their bedroom after a certain time. 

·     Have a spot in the common area where everyone puts their phones/devices until the next morning. 

Make a morning routine visual schedule

If you have kids who are easily distracted or forget certain steps in their routine make a schedule! Create a simple step by step list with items such as: brush your teeth, take a shower, comb your hair, finish your chores, etc. Then laminate the it and have it out for your child to see and check off with a dry erase marker. 

Use timers

Timers are underrated. They are one of the simplest tools and can help the whole family stay on track. Give your kids 20 minutes, or what you see fit, for dressing and/or showering then make another timer for breakfast and whatever other steps you have in your morning. If you start the school year with this you will eventually be able to fade out the timers as you and the kids will be in the habit of following the timeline.  

Plan breakfast, check homework, and put out outfits the night before

The morning can be hectic even with these tips. Do yourself a favor and get everything done the night before, that way you can also enjoy a cup of coffee without worrying if your kid finished their homework.

With these simple tools you will be able to get a hold on your morning routine to make the days beginning more enjoyable for you and the kids. While it is never too late to start — Structure is easier to start with than to introduce later on in the year. Get ahead of it and start this plan on the first day back to school, or better yet- practice starting the week before, whatever you think is best will be the best choice.

After all, you’re the expert on your family! Cheers and happy start of the school year!

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