10 Tips For A Smooth Transition Back to School

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Blog, Parenting, School

Returning to school can be a difficult transition for children and parents alike. Sudden and unclear changes in routine, schedules, and expectations can cause this transition to be more difficult than it needs to be. Use these 10 tips to assist in making a smooth transition back to school year habits and routines. 

Connecting emotionally with your child will allow them to feel seen and understood as they navigate another big transition in their world.

Andrea Good MSW, LCSW

1. Sleep Schedules

Set your children’s sleep schedules (wake up and bedtime) back to “school time” one to two weeks before the first day of school.

2. Screen Time Rules

Refresh the house rules and expectations regarding screen time for the school year and begin implementing before the first day of school.

3. Create a calendar

Create a calendar for each child to keep track of activities and appointments. This assists your child in anticipating and be prepared for what is ahead of them and potential disruptions in routine.

4. Homework Station

Establish a specific space in the home to use the “homework station.” Make sure distractions like TV and electronics are removed from this area. 

5. Checklist

Create a check list for school day morning and bedtime routines.

6. Prepare ahead

Encourage your children to lay out their clothes for the next day and in making sure their bookbag, gym bag, and other belongings are ready before going to bed.

7. After school schedule

Assist your child in creating an after-school schedule that includes time for snack, play, and homework. 

8. Connect with teachers

Touch base with teachers early in the year to troubleshoot any issues your child might experiencing.

9. Check in with your child

Establish time to check in with your child about their day during dinner or before bed. 

10. Focus on Connection

Engage in conversations with your child about the feelings they are having related to the start of a new school year. ​Connecting emotionally with your child will allow them to feel seen and understood as they navigate another big transition in their world. (Check out this cute printable for conversation starters!)

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