
Summer Bound: Transition Strategies for Parents
The transition to summer is synonymous with a time of freedom and relaxation for children as they bid farewell to the structured routine of the school year. While allowing kids to unwind and enjoy their break is essential, maintaining a certain level of structure...

The Paw-sitive Benefits of a Pet
“Can I pleeeeeease have a dog?!” whines your child for the fifth time that day. Most parents' immediate response would be along the lines of, “Not a chance!” However, have you thought about how having a pet could actually be beneficial for your child? It can help them...

Is your relationship toxic?
If you are new to dating and in the beginning stages of a relationship, there is likely so much excitement surrounding this new experience. A relationship's first few weeks or months can be called the 'honeymoon phase,' as everything feels perfect and joyous. During...

Is parent coaching right for me?
Making the decision to seek therapy can be a difficult and important step for parents and children alike. In many cases, it can actually be beneficial for a parent and child to see separate therapists! Family members typically have different treatment needs, and...

Boredom during Holiday Break
The holidays are here, which means a couple of weeks of kids being at home. So, what about activities for the break? Do not feel like you must fill every moment, even if you hear the words, "I'm bored" too many times a day. A little boredom can be a good thing. It...

A note from our therapist…
When my teen gets up for a late breakfast, they glance at me while opening the fridge. “Did you hear about Colorado?” We look at each other for a moment longer. My teen is quite open about the community they are part of. From the Converse pride flag soles of their...

Coping with LGBTQ+ Violence
We are beyond devastated and heartbroken by the shooting that occurred on Saturday night at Club Q, an LGBTQ+ club in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This atrocity occurred just hours before yesterday's Transgender Day of Remembrance, which honors those who have died as a...

Sharing Your Child’s Diagnosis 2.0
Should you share this information with your child? A few years ago, some of IFC’s therapists sat down with our Clinical Director, Ritamaria Laird, and had a conversation about diagnoses and children. They worked through many of the questions caregivers may ask...

Bi-Weekly… But When?
“The infrequency of sessions impacts momentum for change” Natori Walters After attending weekly sessions for some time, families, or even clients, may desire to make a change to bi-weekly. However, how early is too early to switch up the frequency of sessions? And...

10 Common ADHD Symptoms
For several years now, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), has become a very controversial diagnosis. Many parents have different views on how to approach treatment, or they have trouble accepting that their child may be struggling with some of the...