Therapy for Young Adults
We Can Help
Just because you are pursuing therapy doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. It doesn’t mean that you are not strong. And it definitely doesn’t matter if you think other people have it worse than you. This is about your life and how we can make it better

At IFC, we can help you
- Navigate tough social situations better
- Gain confidence in your life decisions
- Build better relationships with friends, parents, and teachers
- Feel less stress around the emotional pressures school life can bring
- Figure out what makes a “good day” as much as what makes a “bad day” for you.
Your experience with us will be on your terms, not ours. Tell us who you want to see, how often you want to see them, and what you want to discuss. And we’ll be here to listen and provide the professional guidance you need to feel better.

A few more things to know
- Our sessions are 100% confidential.
- You can choose the IFC counselor you want to work with.
- You can start with one conversation and see how it goes.
- Our sessions are not just “Let’s talk about your feelings.”
- You can choose any topic to discuss each session.

Here is a list of life challenges we’ve helped other people just like you with:
School pressures
High school to college transition
Family and friend relationship issues
Social media complications
Grief and loss
Panic, anxiety and all that comes with it
All forms of depression
Gender issues and realizations
Anger management
There’s never any pressure with us, but at the same time if you wait to get started, you might end up:
Stuck in old patterns wishing things would change.
Letting time go by when you could be getting help instead.
Finding out that half your friends are already seeing a counselor, and no one thinks it’s as big a deal as you do.
When you’re ready to go, you can get a session set up with IFC in 3 simple steps:
Fill out an intake form here.
We will match you with a therapist for your initial session.
Meet with your therapist either online or in-person and start feeling better.
Are you a parent of a young adult who might benefit from speaking with us?
Click here for more information.

If you want to research a bit more, here’s a good place to start
College Students: 5 Things to Know About Therapy
Has it hit you yet that you are in college?! Maybe it has, and you can’t even remember life before college, or you might be at that phase where you are wondering if your college days will ever end.
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