Educational Therapy & Testing

Educational Therapy is a lot like academic tutoring, but with a therapeutic approach.

Educational Therapy is effective for preschool through college students with a classroom behavioral challenge, learning difficulty, or executive functioning skill deficit. Educational Therapy is a lot like academic tutoring, but with a therapeutic approach.

Our educational therapists provide intensive learning interventions that are aligned with each child’s social and emotional needs. They also advocate for their clients while coordinating with each student’s team of teachers, parents, and service providers.

They have the ability to conduct assessments of academic skills and suggest alternative teaching strategies aligned with the results.

Whether it is reading readiness for a preschooler, essay writing for a 5th grader or algebra help for a high school student, educational therapy can prepare a child for long term academic success.

Together with your IFC educational therapist you will develop goals centered on your child’s strengths to help them boost their confidence in the classroom and overcome challenges in areas such as:

Phonological processing

Reading comprehension

Written language

Spelling issues

Printing and Handwriting

Executive Functioning Skills

Individual Education Plans

Gifted Education

School Refusal

Testing anxiety

Classroom behavior problems

All our educational therapists have received extensive training in learning difficulties, with additional specific training in the psychology of learning disorders, assessment, and intervention strategies that address the social and emotional aspects that impact learning. They also have hands on classroom experience implementing intervention strategies specific to learning differences.

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